Our vision: A healthy, educated and socio-economically balanced society in a flourishing natural environment.
Our mission: Building and strengthening resilient initiatives with sustainable empowerment
We are a youth-led, community-based organisation working out of Livingstonia, a mountainous region in the north of Malawi. Formed on 17th November 2019, RISE was registered with the District Council in December 2020. Since then, we have been working with underprivileged people in our community to give them a better chance in life, and cleaning and regreening this beautiful landscape.
​Our strategic goals:
Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)
Malawi Vision 2063
Malawi growth and development strategies (MGDS III)
The three main areas we focus on are:
Climate change and sustainable agriculture
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
Youth and women empowerment
These are certainly complex and intimately related. We know we cannot accomplish everything at once, so brick-by-brick we are building a resilient future.
In More Detail...
Have a look at a breakdown of our three thematic areas, and what these translate to in practice.
Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture
Train communities in practices which will reduce the risk of environmental degradation and contributing to climate change
Such practices include: tree planting, disaster preparedness, composting, charcoal briquettes, rocket stoves etc.
Engage in advocacy on the need for biodiversity conservation, carbon emissions and the significance of carbon sinks.
Advocate for the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) and carbon tax.,
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Empower local authorities to manage water resources using an Integrated Water Resource Management approach and establish effective monitoring systems.
Improve the quality of surface and ground water and develop a system for pollution control through:
Improving the skills, technologies and techniques in water quality monitoring and pollution control.
Preventing use of harmful substances and aquatic plants that can pollute water resources.
Improve sustainable access to water supply and sanitation in our target areas through:
Establishing water supply and sanitation systems using demand-responsive and demand-driven approaches
Establishing contingency water supply reserves and sanitation backups e.g., handwashing areas, toilets, water points etc.
Youth and Women Empowerment
Empower youth and women in the economy, so that they may develop financial independence and business experience
Affirmative action to increase women and youth involvement in small and medium-scale businesses in Phoka to reduce drinkers
Strengthen our capacity for effective co-ordination of alcohol policy implementation
Engage women and youths in sporting activities such as cycling, soccer, netball, volleyball etc
Increase income levels in Phoka communities by encouraging technical, vocational and entrepreneurship education for women and youth at Mbulunji community college.
Encourage technologies for processing and adding value to agricultural products largely farmed in Phoka such as: pineapples, honey, bananas, coffee, sugarcane etc.nc
Increase awareness and carry out activities which promote Sexual and Reproductive Health among the adolescents to avoid early pregnancies.
Promote education and training which will target the reduction in the rate of child marriages and empower those youths already in marriages to continue with education.
The Mushroom Farm Eco-lodge
A local tourism hotspot that has an emphasis on supporting local business
The University of Livingstonia
The local university, that provides us with technical support.
TWESA In Community Development
A more established NGO that operates in a nearby area, who provide us with advice and support.
Nirvana Mushrooms
An internationally-recognised organisation who provide expertise on mushroom cultivation.